what our schools PROVIDE

Principal Support
Dedicate Program Funding: 2 Teaching Artists; Liaison Teacher Stipend; No Fear Shakespeare Books
Commit to build sense of School as Producing Entity
Select LAUSD Classroom Teacher & Liaison Teacher
Designate Dedicated Workshop/Rehearsal Space Two Days per Week
Internet Access
Classroom Teacher Support
Assist in Selection of Participating Gifted/Talented Students (minimum 15/maximum 20)
Incorporate Selected Play into Classroom Curriculum in early Fall
Encourage & Facilitate Participating Students
Provide Basic Understanding of Play (plot, characters, themes)
Encourage Theater Appreciation
Liaison Teacher Support
Order “No Fear Shakespeare” books in early Fall
Obtain Parental Consents for Participating Students
Communicate Rules of Commitment/Participation
Attend each Workshop Session (January through April)
Enforce Student Attendance & Discipline
Liaison with School Staff, Parents, & Teaching Artists
Administrative Support (eg. copy/distribute program materials, handle snacks)
Custodial Support
Rehearsal Space to be cleaned for every Workshop
Chairs & Work Tables to be set up
Locked Storage Space for Production Assets
Tech/Production Week – Seating & Backdrop Set Up, Various Tasks
Parent Community Support
Support students’ reading of “No Fear Shakespeare”
Encourage Program Attendance & Participation
Support and assist students' in learning/memorizing lines
Provide Technical Support when possible (eg. Hair/Makeup)
Attend Performances