Grades 4-12
All workshops are led by Certified Industry Professionals
Independent & Collaborative Physical & Mental Challenges, Self-Awareness & Management,
Endurance & Resilience
5-Week Program
Theatre games are used to engage the students' imagination as they develop skills in sustained focus and self-control. "Core Rules of Safety and Avoidance" are imposed and enforced as the students learn and practice stage techniques in Swordplay & Hand-to-Hand engagement to build strength, endurance, balance, self-control, and the ability to maintain poise and concentration resulting in self-confidence with respect for others when challenged.
10-Week Program
The curriculum is expanded to include short, action-packed Shakespeare-based scenes exploring how, why, and when physical conflicts occur. Triggered by learned "Elizabethan Insults", choreography is developed for duos, trios, and group bouts which will be performed for the students' schoolmates, families, and communities. When offered alongside the Performing Arts OnStage/BackStage Program, Shakespearean Sports students will be included in those final performances.
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The Young Shakespeareans
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