JANET LOEB Advisory Council Chair
Janet's passion lies in creating and leading programs in arts and culture, education, and philanthropic endeavors.
With an MBA from Wharton, her experience in investment banking and consulting spans 3 decades. She has designed programs, taught, and administered grants in Art, Media Arts, and Technology awarded to Los Angeles Unified schools by the California Department of Education, the Autry Foundation, CBS, and Laurel Promenade Developers. Janet is the Project Originator/Manager/Curator for ArtHealingArtists founded in 2015 to create live, interactive “pop-up” exhibitions in which the public can experience an artist’s journey while learning about life-altering conditions from the artist’s personal perspective. Janet has served on several boards in the non-profit sector where her responsibilities included fundraising, community education, curriculum, and strategic planning.
Janet has received several awards and honors for her leadership in the Los Angeles community and brings a unique perspective of financial savvy to creative and humanitarian endeavors.